I’ve started 5 paragraph essay

I’ve started to post the five-paragraph essay to learn and develop English writing skill. This is a good practice to learn English writing. I’ll be able to meet English words which I still don’t know. By continuing this practice, I can develop my explanation and summarization skill. This is the reason why I’ve started the … read more

The tasty no-milk added hot chocolate recipe.

Hi, there! It is getting colder day by day in Vancouver. In this time, I would like to introduce my hot chocolate recipe which is a perfect fit on a cold weather day. It’s NOT used milk so if you don’t like milk, that’s no problem! This hot chocolate is that I also recommend you … read more

the Angular Academy in Vancouver Report.

I participated Angular Academy which is Angular’s workshop held over two days on 13th and 14th July. I was having a little bit JS framework experience using Vue.js but I didn’t have experience with Angular and Typescript, so I started them from scratch. What is the Angular Academy Angular Academy, which is held over 2 … read more

Why I started this blog?

Hi there!! I’m Masa, Masayuki Suzuki and a front-end developer based in Vancouver, Canada. I was working 4 years in the field in Japan but now, I live in Vancouver. It’s been almost a year and a half since I came here. I’m just looking for a job as a front-end developer. Anyways, I tried … read more